Monday 19 December 2016

Haemocyanin – the underdog of the squid-vibrio symbiosis.

Euprymna scolopes are known for their light organ symbiosis with the luminous bacterium Vibrio fischeri. The bobtail squid harvest planktonic symbiont cells from seawater each generation and juvenile squid’s light organ exposes two pairs of prominent ciliated epithelial appendages. These appendages secrete mucus, which creates currents that facilitates recruitment of symbionts.  Gram-negative bacteria all adhere to the cilia however after 3 hours V. fischeri are the only bacteria able to persist. V fischeri then travel down ducts and reach internal crypts where they multiply, which causes the light organ to undergo irreversible morphogenesis. The mechanisms behind the specificity of V. fischeri symbionts has been speculated and a study by Kremer et al. 2014, suggests the oxygen binding mechanism, haemocyanin may be involved in the establishment and persistence of the V. fischeri symbiosis.

Adult Hawaiian bobtail squid (E. scolopes) were collected from Oahu, Hawaii and maintained and bred in a recirculating seawater system. Juveniles were incubated overnight with either V. fischeri wild type, a light production defective mutant or with the absence of V. fischeri. Full length cDNA sequences of haemocyanin isoforms were obtained by rapid-amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and aligned with sequences from a variety of mollusc species for phylogenetic reconstruction. Haemocyanin transcripts from both isoforms were then quantified by qRT-PCR. Affinity-purified polyclonal antibody of haemocyanin was produced and immunocytochemistry experiments were carried out to visualise and localise haemocyanin transcript and protein in the squid tissues. The functional properties, including oxygen affinity of the hemocyanins were measured with a diffusion chamber. Oxygen affinity was determined from whole-blood samples, collected either at night or in the day.  A pH sensitive fluorescent probe (SNARF) was used to identify the flow between haemolymph and the light organ crypts. Associated pH was measured at both of these sites using a pH- sensitive probe. Phenol oxidase and antimicrobial activities of haemocyanin were also determined.

Results showed Euprymna scolopes synthesises two distinct isoforms of haemocyanin. Localisation and expression of haemocyanin transcripts showed that both isoforms were expressed in similar levels in all tissues. The main site of synthesis of both haemocyanin isoforms was in the gills. Mantle and gut within the juveniles, eyes and central core of the light organ of adults, were also secondary sites of synthesis. Fine-scale distribution of haemocyanin protein also showed high levels in the gills, pore and epithelium regions of the light organ and within the mucus adjacent to these regions. Haemolymph passes from the vascular system into the crypt spaces, which has a lower pH than the haemolymph. This suggests high affinity haemocyanin takes up oxygen in the gills and circulates until it reaches the crypt space where the pH is significantly lower due to bacterial metabolism. V. fischeri luciferase has a higher affinity for the oxygen, which causes the oxygen to dissociate from the haemocyanin.  Therefore bacteria metabolism over a diel cycle in relation to their behaviour influences the delivery of oxygen by altering the pH of the crypt spaces and haemocyanin is an important component of this cycle. V. fischeri showed resistance to the phenol oxidase antimicrobial activity of the haemocyanin, whereas growth was inhibited in other marine gram negative and positive bacteria. This therefore infers the haemocyanin within the mucus may play a role in the specificity of symbiont selection.

I found this paper to be interesting as the specificity of V. fischeri in this symbiosis was briefly mentioned in a previous piece of literature I read, which speculated that the specificity was due to the high oxidative stress the bacteria have to endure within the crypt space. As this paper suggests the specificity is in fact determined before the symbiont enters the host, it provided an alternative and conflicting theory, which was interesting to study. Overall this study highlights the emerging importance of haemocyanin in the role of specificity in selecting V. fischeri for the symbiosis as well as their importance in the control and adjustment of the physiology involved in the maintenance of the squid-vibrio symbiosis. I believe this paper and its findings provide a good basis for future research regarding the antimicrobial properties of haemocyanin.

Kremer, N., Schwartzman, J., Augustin, R., Zhou, L., Ruby, E., Hourdez, S. and McFall-Ngai, M. (2014). The dual nature of haemocyanin in the establishment and persistence of the squid-vibrio symbiosis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281(1785), pp.20140504-20140504.


  1. Hi Faye, great read! I think we can all agree that this area is completely captivating. Your review did lead to me ask the question "what mechanisms or properties do the V. fischeri have that enabled it to show resistance to the phenol oxidase antimicrobial activity of the haemocyanin?"

    I was also curious what the ecology of V. fischeri is when it's free living without its Euprymna scolopes partner in crime. What sort of concentrations of cells are they in the pelagic environment and have you seen any mention in the different of the average lifespan of the V. fischeri between symbiotic and freeliving? Also one final thing, do you think it may be possible that due to the symbiotic relationship V. fischeri could be more productive that its free living form?

    Sorry to bombard you with questions, if isn't very clear just say I will try and reword it!



    1. Hi Stefan,

      Thanks for your questions.

      The paper I referenced unfortunately didn’t mention anything about the mechanism behind V. fischeri’s ability to show resistance to the phenol oxidase anti-microbial activity. I have also looked for other papers regarding this subject but can’t seem to answer your question, but it would be interesting to understand the mechanisms behind it so if you see anything please let me know!
      As for the concentrations of V fischeri in the pelagic environment there has been estimates of 300-700 cells per ml of seawater, which is much lower than the symbiotic abundances. I have yet to see anything about the life span particularly however a large proportion of free living V. fischeri within the pelagic environment are in a cryptic state and not actually active. This leads to me answering your final question. I do believe that the symbiotic V. fischeri are more productive than the free living bacteria, as the bacteria involved in the symbiosis have a constant supply of nutrients from their host, which they are able to utilise. Free-living bacteria experience rather unpredictable nutrient levels within the environment and therefore are more likely to enter the cryptic state and therefore less active when conditions are not favourable. I hope this answered your other questions!



  2. Hey Faye,

    Really interesting - I love Cephalopods! Unfortunately, Stefan has beaten me to the first question I wanted to ask, which was what enables the Vibrios to physiologically cope under such high oxygen stress. But also; what are the levels of oxygen which are considered to cause oxidation stress in this situation? Also - you mentioned in the beginning that V.fisheri was, so to speak, the last one standing in terms of it's ability to remain on the cilia for more than 3 hours. I am curious as to how long the other gram-negative bacteria were able to persist ithin this 3 hour period? Did all bacteria leave at similar times, and is the long-term adhesive ability of Vibrio fischeri unique to itself, or were other species able to cling on, for perhaps 2 hours or something similar (if that makes sense)?



  3. Hi Faye,

    This topic is incredibly interesting, and I thought your post was a very good review! This study clearly shows that haemocyanin plays a role in the persistence of Vibrio fischeri. I was just wondering if you thought this establishment and persistence was purely down to the haemocyanin, or whether you thought any other factors may have contributed towards this? Do you think it's a mixture of factors brought together that allows this persistence, or do you think it is mainly due to haemocyanin?

    Thank you,



    1. Hi Amy,

      Thank you for your question!

      The data suggests a strong link between the phenol oxidase antimicrobial activity of haemocyanin and the specificity of V. fischeri however the authors do also mention that it may not be the sole reason for this specificity. It could in fact also be due to the combination of other antimicrobials within the mucus matrix secreted outside of the light organ so I do believe that the specificity is a due to many factors that may act as a cocktail for the specificity, however haemocyanin does contribute to this!

      Hope this answers your question,


    2. Hi Amy,

      Just to add to this comment about other antimicrobials within the mucus matrix. An example of this would be nitric oxide (NO). NO has previously been seen used as an antimicrobial agent and has also been hypothesised as a specificity determent. In this paper I found by Wang et al, 2010 they looked at the transcriptomic analysis of V fischeri's flavohaemoglobin (Hmp), which protects the V. fischeri by removing NO. The analysis showed that the hmp expression is upregulated 120 fold in response to NO, which therefore suggests it is acting as a protectant against NO inhibition. Overall I do believe other antimicrobials may also be responsible for the specificity of colonisation but all of them contribute together!



      Wang, Y., Dunn, A., Wilneff, J., McFall-Ngai, M., Spiro, S. and Ruby, E. (2010). Vibrio fischeri flavohaemoglobin protects against nitric oxide during initiation of the squid-Vibrio symbiosis. Molecular Microbiology, 78(4), pp.903-915.


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