Friday 23 December 2016

CCA 0, CFD 1

Corals are important bio-engineers, depositing calcium carbonates and creating vast expenses of reefs which are visible from space. Many of these reefs are colonised by crustose coralline algae (CCA), which can cover up to 50% of living reefs, and consequently act as important sites for coral larval settlement. Although CCA are an important part of reef ecology, very little is known about them or their susceptibility to disease. Disease could potentially cause drastic reductions in CCA populations, with known on effects which promote community shifts to fleshy macro-algal dominance (DDAMnation – Rohwer, 2010). The authors of this paper aim to look at the effects of ocean warming and OA on CCA, and the interaction with coralline fungal disease (CFD), a previously described CCA disease from the Pacific. A combination of field observations and experimental manipulations were used.

Histopathological changes were examined using fragments of CCA which displayed signs of CFD, with Grocott’s methanamine silver being used to confirm the presence of fungal hyphae. To culture the fungus associated with CFD, cellulose agar was used with media containing antibiotics to stop bacterial growth, and a control without antibiotics to preclude any negative effects on fungal growth. Cultures were incubated at 25, 27 or 30 °C, aerated, and left for 21 days. Frozen, ground CFD lesions were thawed, and individual fungal filaments were isolated. DNA was extracted from filaments, and fungal specific 18s rRNA PCR amplification was used from mixed-environmental samples. Phylogenetic analysis was assessed using the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), which was used to align the 653bp 18S rRNA gene sequences. A phylogenetic tree was constructed and evolutionary distances were computed.

The quantification of CFD occurrences was done using photo-quadrats, from 12 permanent sites between July- August and October-November, 2008. 40 of the 59 transects surveyed became permanent as part of the Palmyra disease monitoring programme and were surveyed again in 2009 for CFD occurrences and CCA cover. CFA was also measured during El Nino, with 13 CFD cases being photographed weekly, with CFD vital rates (lesion surface area and linear progression rate) were calculated using Image J software.

Temperature and acidification experiments were conducted using C02 bubbling and heating, to examine independent and interactive effects of OA and waring on CFD disease dynamics as well as CA growth (net calcification).  OA conditions were mimicked by bubbling pre-mixed air enriched with C02 (reflecting atmospheric conditions projected for 2100). Four independent water baths (two ambient and two warmed) held experimental aquaria that were randomly assigned to elevated or present-day C02 conditions, in order to create every combination of warming and OA treatment. Aquaria were covered to prevent evaporation and rainwater from affecting salinity, and placed under a shade cloth to mimic the natural light found at 10m on the forereef (where the CCA is found). Controls were also conducted for algal metabolism. Net calcification rates of CCA were quantified to the nearest mg, and CFD disease rates were calculated using ImageJ (e.g lesion progression)

The paper demonstrated that ocean warming and acidification can have complex interactive effects on marine disease dynamics. Habitat difference seemed to have an important role, with some reefs (Palmyra’s forereef) having a CFD occurrence independent of CCA abundance; suggesting that host abundance alone does not explain observed spatial variation in CFD. The authors mention that the results for the experiments may differ if they were in-field (because CFD variation could be a result of the abundance of preferential host species of CCA) but note that CCA taxonomy is difficult and requires microscopic examination making it impossible in the field. The overall results from the experiments indicate that less acidic but warmer conditions characterise the most favourable conditions for CFD occurrence. Regardless of the mechanisms behind fine-scale CFD variations, it is clear that the disease is more abundant and virulent under elevated temperatures. This suggests that the prevalence and virulence of CFD may increase in line with future climate projections. Unsurprisingly, the experiment also showed that elevated pCO2 contributes to increasing acidity, which leads to the degradation and structural loss of CCA, suggesting net dissolution. This is likely to increase the vulnerability of CCA, and the virulent effect of CFA is only going to exacerbate this.  However, the authors did discover a slowed growth of lesions in more acidic water, but this minor positive is  swamped by the overriding negative effects that increased acidity has on the whole CCA organism.

All in all, this paper is a fascinating look at the effects of OA and increased temperature on the relationship between parasitic CFD and CCA. Unfortunately, it seems that the parasitic fungi is better suited to the future projected oceanic conditions, and therefore is likely to thrive, resulting In potential major losses in CCA ecosystems, and damages to the coral reefs they inhabit.

Reviewed: Williams GJ et al. 2014 Ocean warming and acidification have complex interactive effects on the dynamics of a marine fungal disease. Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20133069.


  1. Hi Harriet,

    Great post! Did the authors mention any other factors that could also influence CFD occurence besides habitat difference and host abundance?


    1. Hi Johanna,

      I briefly touched on the fact that CFD displayed particular preferences of CCA species, which could influence CFD occurrences. Other than host abundance and habitat differences, the paper didn't touch on anything else. Of course, the paper also shows that ocean acidification and temperature play an important role.

      Hope this helps, and merry christmas!


  2. Hi Harriet,

    Great review and paper! Another sad find for corals under stressful conditions.

    You say that acidity effects abundance and virulence of CFD as temperatures and acidity rises, you also pointed out that these same factors can affect the health and structure of CCA, concluding that the slowed growth of lesions under acidic conditions is a small win for CCA compared to the negative factors associated.
    I was simply wondering if there were any figures to support this conclusion, perhaps a future estimation for the health of CCA vs abundance of CFD under growing acidic conditions.- Hope this makes sense.

    Many thanks,

    1. Hi Ellie,

      "the lowering of pH as a result of OA may actually slow
      down overall spread of the disease across the reef landscape
      during such outbreaks. Importantly, however, while the lateral
      spread of CFD was not affected by reduced seawater pH and
      carbonate saturation state, all CCA thalli lost mass under OA
      conditions, suggesting that net dissolution was occurring."

      If by figures you mean data, then there is nothing in the paper unfortunately; however, this may potentially be looked into in the future. I believe that the discovery of slowed lesion growth was never part of their hypothesis, and just an interesting anecdote to include in the summary lines of their conclusion. Perhaps if the slowed lesion growth was sufficient to negate the effects of increased temperatures, then they would have further investigated these findings.

      In order for future estimations to be made (that would be credible) it is likely that a model would need to be produced; which is arduous as the taxonomy of both CCA and CFD is hard to define, as well as their being many physio-chemical factors which would need to be included. However, for such preliminary stages in CFD research, I feel that the data provided by this paper is good, as it strongly suggests that the role of CFD is likely to increase; in-itself informing us that, unless CCA can rapidly adapt, that CFD is going to become dominant in certain reef systems

      I hope this makes sense and clarifies any uncertainties.



  3. Hi Harriet, Great read as this topic has eluded me up until this point.

    I was wondering with these ever changing environmental conditions did the authors mention the possibility of a biogeographic range expansion for the coralline fungal disease as this pattern has started to occur in a few locations.

    Also I might be just overlooking it completely, but did the author mention what species the CFD was?



    Aeby, G., Tribollet, A., Lasne, G. and Work, T. (2016). Assessing threats from coral and crustose coralline algae disease on the reefs of New Caledonia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 67(4), p.455.

    1. Hi Stefan,

      It is an unsubscribed pathogen, so they are yet to identify the species involved. The authors did not mention a biogrographic range expansion is this particular paper, but I think that it is very likely; especially given that so many other species are showing the same shifts.




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