Coastal Microbial Mats… the truth
behind the Ocean’s nitrogen fixation.
Microbial mats (MM’s) are important to the foundation of the
oceans, they carry out a variety of important processes, an example of this is nutrient cycling. A large part of this is
down to the nitrogen fixation which is fuelled by microbial groups of
cyanobacteria that are within layers of MM’s. These cyanobacterium groups are
known as active diazotrophic communities. Despite how important the
cyanobacterium are, there is not a lot of known information on these microbes, this
study was undertaken to shed light on this.
The research took place
at Elkhorn Slough estuary, Monterey Bay, CA, USA in October of 2009. The
approach was to establish what was fuelling the nitrogen fixation within
microbial mats and to gain a better understanding of what caused nitrogen
fixation and how.
It had long been assumed that all cyanobacterium played a
heavy role in the full N² fixation from microbial mats. This hypothesis was proven
via cultivation base studies (Paerl et al., 1991; Bebout et al., 1993). This
however didn’t allow a clear understanding of how these diazotrophic
communities worked within complex ecosystems, this has now been explored.
To explore this topic in its entirety a wide range of
analysis and methodology was used, enabling a vast amount of results. This
included biogeochemical, molecular and high-resolution secondary ion ma In-situ water the
nutrient and keep as close to the outside conditions as possible.
Biogeochemical (ARA’s):
Two separate 10mm width by 10mm length mat cores and
horizontally layered into 3 triplicate layers. The 3 triplicate mat cores were
tested every 3 hours, 3 control mat cores where also taken used as a negative
control. The 3 test cores where
separated and incubated within ethylene, this was later measured with gas
chromatography to assess the depth distribution of nitrogenase activity.
N-15 incubation – the triplicate mat core samples were
placed into 14ml serum jars topped with a stopper to test Gas exchanged for N-15.
These were incubated in dark for 10h before samples being split in half for
analysis. Half of sectioned cores were analysed by IMRS, the other half of
sectioned cores were kept for later Nano-Sims analysis.
N-15 incubation of culture of cyanobacteria was also
undertaken using the same techniques mentioned above however these where
incubated at a temperature of 22˚C and where tested on a 8/16h day to night light
DNA and RNA were co-extracted from the upper 2mm of mat
cores this was achieved by combining phenol–chloroform extraction with parts of
the RNeasyMini and QIAamp DNA Mini Kit used for this analysis. The upper parts
of the mat cores showed to have the most N-fixation, which is why this part of
the core was sampled. RNA reverse transcribed
with reverse transcriptase enzyme into a single stranded complementary DNA
(cDNA), this was analysed via ss spectrometry (NanoSIMS) techniques.
Findings showed that Cyanobacteria filaments are able to
split into heterocystous (cells that are specialized nitrogen-fixing and usually
formed during nitrogen starvation periods) and vegetative cells, this means
that they are splitting the nitrogen and photosynthesis into separate cells.
This was established when heterocystous cells became apparent. Photosystem
II was found to be not present but photosystem I was in high numbers as well as
the presence of ATP and luciferin.
Because of this, Cyanobacteria are important during the
night time due to the highest rates of nitrogen fixation happening during the
night in comparison to the day time where photosynthesis has the higher
advantage of sunlight. Results also demonstrate that within the presence of
oxygen nitrogenase enzyme cyanobacteria are inhibited.
This study has allowed for new discoveries to be made within
the microbial field and has allowed microbiologists and like-minded ocean
scientists to gain better understanding of ocean processes. Thorough analysis
techniques, such as using a combination of single and standard cell analysis it
has enabled researchers to link cell functions and characteristics to recognize
previously unidentified microbial groups that work among complex ecosystems and
how these microbes link into key ocean processes.
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