Monday 30 March 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Seagrasses a vector of coral disease under OA?

Apart from corals, seagrass meadows are a crucial component of reef ecosystems (fish nurseries, nutrient cyclers, organic carbon producers and sediment stabilisers). Similar to corals, seagrasses are colonised by microorganisms that form epiphytic biofilms on the leaves.  Therefore a seagrass plant and its epiphytic biofilm can be referred to as a seagrass holobiont. Ocean acidification (OA) on corals can create changes in the composition of the microbial biofilm associated with the coral reducing larval settlement and probably coral health. Seagrasses, on the other hand, are generally thought to benefit from OA due to the increased availability of CO2 and bicarbonate for photosynthesis. However, data on how the epiphytic biofilm on seagrass leaves might respond to OA and on the behaviour of the seagrass holobiont in future OA scenarios are still sparse.
Here Hassenrück et al, (2015) studied the epiphytic biofilm on the leaves of the seagrass Enhalus acroides at a natural CO2 vent (pH values of 7.8) and a control site (pH values of 8.3) in Papua New Guinea. 18S ribosomal DNA sequences were used to make sure that all the seagrass shoots collected were of the same species. The leaf age was taken into consideration; carbon content of the seagrass leaves decreased with leaf age from approximately 33% to 26%. Epiphyte cover increased with leaf age. 
High taxonomic resolution provided by 16S and 18S amplicon sequencing showed that epiphyte communities seemed to be as diverse at the vent site than at the control site. Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA) identified bacterial and eukaryotic operational taxonomic units (OTU). Overall the results show that bacterial and eukaryotic epiphytes formed distinct communities at the CO2-impacted site compared to the control site.This study went into a lot of depth on what type of bacteria was found and why, which was really interesting to read. For example OA seemed to decrease cyanobacterial abundance and diversity in microbial films. Also Reinekea, a genus of the Gammaproteobacteria, was mentioned to may play an important role in the degradation of organic matter after phytoplankton blooms. It had a reduced abundance at the vent site, which may have been caused by the decreased availability of degradable material presumably due to the lower percentage of epiphyte cover (which was also looked at). This study may of actually bought to light microbial organsisms, previously not considered in OA research.
Their biggest finding was that they detected an increased prevalence of microbial sequence types associated with coral diseases (Fusobacteria, Thalassomonas [white plague-like disease]) at the vent site under elevated pCO2 conditions whereas eukaryotes such as certain coralline algae commonly related to healthy reefs were less diverse (which is no surprise!). This agrees with the hypothesis that coral reefs experiencing elevated pCO2 levels will be more susceptible to diseases than reefs not yet exposed to OA. It further highlights the potential of seagrasses as vectors of coral pathogens and stresses the point that seagrasses should be viewed as a holobiont when making predictions about OA effects and ecological consequences in coral reefs.
 Reference: Hassenrück, C., Hofmann, L. C., Bischof, K., & Ramette, A. (2015). Seagrass biofilm communities at a naturally CO2rich vent. Environmental microbiology reports.

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  1. This is really interesting, did they say anything about the diversity of the bacterial community associated with the seagrasses increasing or decreasing?

  2. Yeah, really relevant as well-a previously overlooked phenomena. As mentioned the diversity seemed to be as diverse at the vent site as the control site. I gathered the loose term 'seemed' was used due to maybe the lack of data to confirm this. They didn't actually say how many samples were taken (no methods mentioned)-maybe due to the journal format.

  3. Oh right. I agree seemed is maybe a bit loose esp as you mention they talk a lot about the type bacteria etc surely they must be able to look at alpha and beta diversity. The reason I asked was because corals at vent sites show a severe reduction in their microbial community - yet can still survive in conditions previously thought to dissolve them. Just wandered if this was the case of seagrasses - apparently not.

  4. Seagrass holobionts react pretty differently to coral holobionts under OA. So the coral itself of the microbial community can survive under conditions thought to dissolve them? How do they manage this? Thanks :)

  5. I'm sure you've heard of the predictions for next century, where OA acidification will be sufficient to dissolve organisms with Calcium carbonate shells - yet these same concentrations are found at CO2 seeps in Papua - and there are still coral living there - my strong faith in microbes makes me think they have something to do it with it - such as described in the probiotic hypothesis by Rosenberg and colleagues.

  6. I have also read that microbial communities have been seen to not significantly change when exposed to low pH. Yeah really good point-maybe the microbes form a kind of mucile barrier to protect them. I can't think of anything physiologically they can do as it is the outside structure thats causing the problems. Any ideas on how the microbes can protect the corals from OA? Thanks.

  7. Hi Elyssa,

    I found your comment about the reduction of cyanobacterial abundance and diversity in response to OA rather thought provoking. Is this a general response by the cyanobacteria as a whole, or merely those associated with biofilms?

    Taking in to account their role in oxygen supply, and the observed reductions in response to OA, can we expect increases in the prevalence of hypoxia?


  8. Hi Jack. These are those associated with the microbial biofilm. It is thought that in complex assemblages, such as those seen in this study, cyanobacteria are supposed to benefit less from OA than other photosynthetic organisms such as chlorophytes, and may be outcompeted by them. I am not sure hypoxia will be prevalent as it seems like there will just be a shift in algae species...Thanks for the question.


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