Monday 9 March 2015

Predicting how human disease causing Vibrio species will react to climate change.


Turner et al. (2014) investigated how seasonal changes in temperature and plankton abundance affect the prevalence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus and V. cholerae and subpopulations that harbour clinically associated genes. These Vibrio species are Gram-negative bacilli autochthonous to marine, estuarine and freshwater environments and a few environmental strains are capable of causing illness in humans most commonly indirectly through eating shellfish. Understanding the specific interactions between Vibrio subpopulations and seasonally predictable changes in biotic and abiotic factors can offer critical information needed to better understand changes in risk from environmental exposure.
For a period of one year, surface water and plankton samples (63-200μm and >200 μm) and environmental variables (surface water temperature and salinity) were collected bi-monthly from 12 commercial or public oyster harvesting sites along the South Atlantic Bight of coastal Georgia, USA. DNA samples were taken from water samples and concentrated plankton samples. PCR primers were then used to detect bacteria and clinically associated genes (Table 1). PCR was used to investigate the detection frequency of species-specific gene targets (i.e. present in all strains of a species), instead of culture-based methods. The benefits of using this technique instead include increased sensitivity (i.e. reduced false negatives) and reduced analysis times, which may outweigh risks of false-positive detection. 

V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus and V. cholerae were frequently detected in bulk water and plankton net tow samples. Among all samples (n=210) V. parahaemolyticus was detected significantly more than V. vulnificus, which was detected significantly more than V. cholerae. V. vulnificus and V. cholera targets were only detected when water temperature exceeded >15 °C, however V. parahaemolyticus targets were detected in all water samples even when they dropped below 10 °C. Salinity had little effect on detection of Vibrio, only the ORF8 region of  V. parahaemolyticus was correlated with an increase in salinity. All Vibrio species increased in detection when there were more of an abundance of of chitinous zooplankton (copepods and decapods) and that of chitin- producing diatoms.
The results of this study suggest that some Vibrio species may exhibit a stronger chitin affinity compared with the general Vibrio community and may indicate some competitive advantage for a commensal lifestyle. Combined increases in temperature and shifts in plankton abundance may facilitate an expanded seasonal and geographic range of Vibrio species. In light of climate change predictions, which include increases in sea surface temperature as well as shifts in the range and composition of marine plankton communities, these results may inform future estimates of exposure risk and serve a baseline for future investigations. It would have been useful for the authors to explain the known distributions of the Vibrio  and zoo/phyto-plankton species that were found in this study, as this could then predict which routes and regions these species will colonise and cause problems in. 
Referance: Turner, J. W., Malayil, L., Guadagnoli, D., Cole, D., & Lipp, E. K. (2014). Detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio cholerae with respect to seasonal fluctuations in temperature and plankton abundance.Environmental microbiology16(4), 1019-1028.


  1. Hi Elyssa,
    Its interesting that V. parahaemolyticus is found all year round, independent of temperature - did they mention what effect this bacteria has on humans? Did they use any other techniques to analyze the function of genes within the Vibrios? It would be interesting to see whether there was a change in virulence related to abiotic fluctuations ( as I talked about in my last review).
    You mention they were looking for specific genes - were these related to virulence or just to identify the bacteria itself?

  2. Hi Kat, Thanks for the question :) I know- no stopping them hey, their optimum temperatures to grow at are >30 °C, so they have a very large temperature threshold! Well they didn't really go into the actually effects on humans in this paper, but in previous lectures we have learnt it's mainly found on shellfish surfaces and can cause sickness with diarrhoea etc (shellfish poisoning)... most recent outbreaks are in the US and S. America- maybe because they have much warmer waters than over here but likely to be found over here to as illustrated in this study.
    It was just PCR- with respect to using a positive control culture and then field samples were recorded as positive for the presence of target genes if any dilution was found positive by PCR. I hope that makes sense? It's a new technique for me to get my head around.
    Yes, linking to your study- there may have been more abiotic factors playing part in the virulence other than temperature and salinity- such as nutrient availability?!

    I gathered that they were looking for these particular clinical strains to yes, see which genes are promoting this virulence. For example the detection frequency of V. parahaemolyticus tdh increased with water temperature in the p200 net tows (tdh is a thermostable direct toxin- however most environmental strains don't express this) and the detection frequency of the pandemic-associated ORF8 also increased with water temperature! I find it actually quite confusing to get my head around, seeing as having the gene doesn't actually mean they express it- have you any suggestions? I may bring this up in a revision session with Colin- pretty interesting way to understand these microbes!

  3. Hi Elyssa,

    This is a really interesting post - with regards to the gene expression you mentioned, maybe using a transcriptomics approach would reveal what genes are being expressed and when?


  4. Hi Jack,

    Thanks for the interest! Yes- very good idea. How easy do you think this would be!? Would be very important to understand and gather information about the clinical genes for sure.


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