Sunday 18 January 2015

Deep-sea sediments - An open door for homeless microbes

Primary productivity in the upper layers of the ocean influence the structure of heterotrophic macro-fauna and micro-organism communities. Events such as phytoplankton blooms in particular, are the main food source for pelagic organism and can shift entire community structures. The amount of organic matter that escapes the remineralisation of the biomass and is transported to the seafloor is less then 2%. Life in the abyss is dependent on this input of photosynthesis- derived particulate organic carbon (POC) and are thought to influence microbial benthic community structures. Most previous studies, focused on macro-faunal benthic communities, found similar benthic communities in high and low productivity areas. To investigate the effects of phytoplankton blooms on the less studied benthic microbial communities, Ruff et al. (2014) undertook a survey in the Southern Atlantic Ocean, where there is a large, but sporadic export of organic matter to the deep sea. Samples were collected from four abyssal sediments and one shallow reference site and analysed using a comparative 16S rRNA sequencing and CARD-FISH method. 

Fresh algal pigments found on sites suggest a quick transport of the bloom derived POC to the deep sea. The transport may not take longer then a few days or weeks, which suggests a strong benthic-pelagic coupling. Using 16S rRNA  extraction is a useful indicator for viability, as once an organism is dead, RNA molecules are degraded quickly. The microbial communities generally showed a high diversity and evenness across all sampling sites. Even though, spread out over a very large spatial distance (4000 km), these sites experience different surface primary productivity. There was no shift found of the most important clades, alphoproteobacterial Rhodospirillaceae and Rhodobacteraceae as well as gammaproteobacterial ´Marine Benthic Group`(Sinobacteraceae) and NOR5/OM60. Although some organisms responded to the input of fresh POC, the total cell number in the sediment seemed to stay stable. Comparison with results from previous incubation experiments however, leads to discrepancy and it seems like the fate of POC in the seafloor still remains largely unknown.

NOR5/OM60, normally found in surface waters and coastal sediments with high productivity, were found in high cell numbers as part of the micro-organism community. As these organisms were found in the deeper sediment layers, they are thought to be indigenous to the benthic habitat. It seems like benthic organisms occupy the same ecological niche as their pelagic relatives. NOR5/IM60 only being an example, it may well be that organisms originated from the surface, accumulated, proliferate and diversify in the benthic sediment, establishing new variable communities. 

Viable Flavobacteriacea found in a thick layers of diatom ooze, in form of broken diatom shells and fecal pellets, suggest that these populations are transported to the seafloor being attached to fecal pellets or diatoms.  Fast settling salp fecal pellets especially might be a possible way of a quick way of organic matter being exported down to the deep sea. Events such as mass mortality and aggregate formation of Chaetoceros spp., as it was recorded at one sampling site, could also cause massive pulses of POC to deep sea areas. 

Even though this study is of a high standard, it has to cope with a few problems. The authors mentioned that a reference sample, which had not been influenced by phytoplankton blooms, would be necessary for a better understanding of microbial benthic communities in the deep sea. However, such a reference site could only be found in the winter, when harsh environmental condition make them unaccessible. I also think that the currents, eddies and meandering of frontal systems which may cause lateral transportation of the settling material should be taken more into account.

Overall, phytoplankton derived organic matter and possibly viable pelagic microorganisms are quickly enough transported to the deep sea, causing a community shift towards bacterial clades that seem to be specialised in the degradation of algal detritus. The polar front deep-sea sediment may represent a niche for these organisms that was so far overlooked.

Ruff S. E., Probandt D., Zinkann A., Iversen M. H., Klaas C., Würzberg L., Krombholz N., Wolf-Gladrow D., Amann R. & Knittel K. (2014) Indications for algae-degrading benthic microbial communities in deep-sea sediments along the Antarctic Polar Front. Deep-Sea Research II. 108: 16-16.


  1. Hi Tabea, thanks for read. It was interesting that macro-benthic (previous studies) and microbial communities were the similar between less productive and higher productive regions- there must another factor they rely on, have you any suggestions what this is? Maybe a combined study of marine snow and phytoplanktonic input would be good, but this would be extremely difficult to do!! I agree with you that the different water movements should be taken into account as well, but here no difference is seen maybe another region all together should be samples, such as the pacific ocean where el-nino phenomenon is. Thanks :)

    1. Hi Elyssa,
      Even though this study suggests that there is no shift in communities I could imagine that using different studies may give other informations. Here they look at the 16S rRNA, because it is a good indicator for viability. Looking at the whole genome or maybe the ITS area of the rRNA may show shifts between coexisting subpopulations, such as found in the Prochlorococcus study by Kashtan et al. (2014). The fact that the cell number of the microbes seems to be stable may indicate that they have been grazed on or that they actively respire the material without causing cell division. I hope that helps :)

    2. It might also be interesting to look at the expression of different functional genes such as those involved in carbon assimilation in the communities as well. Despite little shift in the most important clades there maybe a shift in which taxa are most active between the different sites and you would be able to pick that up using metatranscriptomics as the most active taxa would be synthesizing more mRNA. Good post by the way.

    3. Elyssa and Tabea
      Do you not think it is possible that hydrodynamic of different water bodies may the reason there isn't definitive sectioning between areas with plankton blooms and areas without blooms? For some reason i have an image of sprinkling dust from a bridge with a bit of a wind - the result being a pretty even spread of dust across a large patch of water... (sorry for the strange imagery).
      Tabea: Sorry if i have missed something, but in your second paragraph you mention that comparison with incubation from previous studies leaves discrepancies and the fate of POC largely unknown - what do you mean by this?

    4. Tom: Has this methods been used by a similar kind of study before? Would be interesting to find out!
      Kat: As I already mentioned in my post I totally agree with you and think hydrodynamics should be more taken into account. The most important thing to do would probably be including a control site. However it is really difficult to organise surveys to such high latitudes in the winter.
      The incubation experiment did show that there was a significant increase in cell number when adding phytoplankton debris, this wasn`t found in the environement at all.
      I hope this makes sense :) Please ask if you have any more questions or let me know about ideas. I think it is an interesting field but the sampling needs to be a little bit improved.

    5. Tabea thanks for the reply- wierd to think of bacteria not dividing though? is this what you meant?
      Kat- Bit of a brain tester there, think I have got my head around it though!! Do you mean that the same water body with both blooms and areas of non- blooms will be mixed fairly similarly by the time it reaches sediments?!

    6. Elyssa - yes I mean that they either would not divide or they do divede but other organisms graze on them so you could not see a increase in number (the second theory sounds more likely to me, what do you think?)
      Kat and Elyssa - Because they found viabile organisms (which have sunk down from the blooms to the bottom) they assume that they have not travelled for that long so don`t you think that they might have sunk down quite straight (otherwise they would take much longer and probably wouldn`t be alive by the time they get there) ? Not sure if that makes sense.

    7. Yeah for sure, the fact they could get grazed on is much more viable. And I can't quite imagine how something so small would sink straight down and not be influenced by water currents did they mention anything about this would be quite good to look into this !:)

  2. Hi, Tabea other researchers have produced metatrascriptomes for environmental data sets for similar research, but I don't think they have looked at the questions this paper addressed directly. The technology is still relatively in its infancy, but the number of studies using it in the marine environment are increasing, I should have an example of one up soon.

    1. Hi Tom :) Thanks for this! Looking forward to read your blog!


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