Wednesday 31 December 2014

A tool for understanding the distribution of methanogens in the deep sub-seafloor

Very little is known about the distribution of Methanogenic archaea (methanogens) in the sub-seafloor despite methane in marine methane hydrates being mostly of microbial origin. Methanogens are the final step in anaerobic biodegradation of organic matter in sediments, producing methane as a by-product. Understanding the distribution of methanogens is therefore imperative to understand the methane hydrate formation process. Isopranl glycerol ether lipids are unique to arcahaea and have been used as biomarkers in many studies. One group, the archaeal polar lipids, have also been used to show the presence of living rather than fossil archaeal biomass. However, the reliability of this technique had been called into question with compounds used at present being more stable than originally thought. One potentially more reliable technique is using archaeal lipids containing a tertiary –OH group. Due to the labile nature of this tertiary alcohol it is thought to better represent recent archaeal activity. Oba et. al. (2014) set out to investigate whether the use of different archaeal lipids can more reliably estimate the distributions and populations of methanogens in two sites in the Nankai Trench.

Cores were collected from two borehole sites and samples were frozen immediately, the outer 10mm was then removed to limit contamination. The zones of concentrated methane hydrates were distributed >100m below the seafloor and only found in the sandstone layers. The sediment core samples were then analysed for total organic carbon content using a Yanako MT-5 CHN analyser and lipids were extracted with the Bligh and Dyer method, separated and identified by gas-chromatography.

Hydroxyarchaeols are specific to methanogens and anaerobic methanotropic bacteria (ANME) and archaeol is ever-present in methanogens and widespread in other archaea. Their co-occurrence therefore does not necessarily mean they are from same biologically source. However, the results from this study strongly suggest that the polar lipids in the marine sediment were derived from a common producer. Furthermore, by comparing the carbon isotope values and depth profiles of hydroxyarcaeols and archaeols it strongly suggests that methanogens are the source and not ANMEs. Due to the strong correlations between two types of hydroxyarchaeol the candidate clades of methanogens are believed to be Methanoloccales and Methanosarcinales. The use of these archaeal lipids is therefore good potential contender for assessing the distribution of methanogens in sub-seafloor sediments. However, considering the small proportion of methanogens in prokaryotic communities (<1%) there seemed to be a higher than expected concentration of sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol, suggesting detected levels were mostly fossil. This questions the validity of this lipid as a biomarker, however, the life expectancy of this lipid is thought to be very short relative to geological timescale. This therefore means the depositional age of deep sub-seafloor sediments is much older than that of the life expectancy of this lipid, making this lipid a valid biomarker for in situ methanogens.

The use of hydroxyarchaeols and archaeols has been demonstrated here to be an effective tool as the use of a biomarker for methanogens in deep sub-seafloor sedmients. This will allow further research to study the processes of methane formation, such as insight into specific methongens involved and the causes of any fluxes in methane production as seen in other methanogen communities. It also has some relevance to global warming, increasing methane in the atmosphere is seen as a cause for concern. With the marine ecosystem contributing around 10% to global atmospheric methane concentrations, understanding the methanogen communities in the deep sub-seafloor could become a valuable area of research. This paper is a good starting block for potential research into the deep sub-seafloor methanogen communities and provides some good preliminary insight. However, it may be worth conducting analyses such as PCR or FISH on core samples as well as the analysis carried out here to be more certain about the conclusions made.

Oba, M., Sakata, S., & Fujii, T. (2014). Archaeal polar lipids in subseafloor sediments from the Nankai Trough: Implications for the distribution of methanogens in the deep marine subsurface. Organic Geochemistry.

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