Tuesday 11 November 2014

Antioxidants, another use for DMSP and its associates

DMSP is known to act as an osmoprotectant, cryoprotectant and in some cases a grazing deterrent. Interestingly, DMSP and its derivatives may have another use, as antioxidants which protect against oxidative stressors such as high light levels. Sunda et al., (2002) investigated this by testing DMSP reactivity with the free radical OH. and production under various oxidative stressors in Emiliania huxleyi and the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana.

OH. radicals were used to oxidise DMS to form DMSO, MSNA and MSA in a step-wise manner. DMSP also oxidised in a similar way. Reaction rates with OH. and cellular concentrations were worked out for DMSP and MSNA and compared to information from the literature. It was discovered that DMSP reacts with OH., but Acrylate and DMS are 20-60x more reactive. DMS also reacts with singlet oxygen and is lipid soluble, so could protect photosynthetic membranes. Therefore, cleavage of DMSP by DMSP lyase could increase protection. DMSO and MSNA also reacted, and with its low solubility DMSO could concentrate to high levels in the cell.

For the response of production in the face of oxidative stressors, CO2 and Iron limitation experiments were firstly conducted in bottles with nutrient enriched seawater. CO2 limitation cultures were grown to high cell volumes to reduce CO2 by 40 times. For Iron limitation, cells were transferred from a medium containing iron to one without. Cultures were grown and harvested regularly for measurements of DMSP, DMS, total cell volume, chlorophyll a and APX activities (an enzyme associated with antioxidant defence) in T. pseudonana. Under both CO2 and iron limitation, T. pseudonana showed a 20-60x increase in DMSP, increased DMS/cell-volume ratios, and elevated APX activities with reduced growth and chlorophyll a levels, indicating they were under oxidative stress. E. hux showed a similar trend. It would also have been interesting to directly quantify synthesis of DMSP lyase, to examine if it was upregulated.

For experiments using UV light, the control culture was grown under fluorescent light (no UV), whereas the UV treatments were grown in 30% sunlight and exposed to full UV, UV with (more harmful) UV-B filtered or with (almost) all UV-A and UV-B filtered. Total DMS, total DMSP, cell volume and cell chlorophyll a were measured. DMSP and DMS production was higher in sunlit treatments relative to controls, due to exposure to UV light. Interestingly, DMS and DMSP production peaked when UVB was filtered but UVA was unfiltered, rather than at full exposure. The authors put this down to production being underestimated, as increased production may be balanced by consumption of DMSP and DMS and also photolysis of DMS. 

DMS and DMSP production in response to UV highlights a negative feedback mechanism which directly benefits algae. Increased UV exposure will lead to higher DMS release, causing increased cloud formation above the bloom, so shielding the bloom from UV light and oxidative stress. Although, I think the lower DMS and DMSP levels found at the highest exposures should examined closely for the idea to be fully vindicated. It could also be interesting to look at more recent publications to see if Symbiodinium in coral show similar responses and whether this impacts the ability of coral to cope with oxidative stress and so bleaching. 

Sunda, W. K. D. J., Kieber, D. J., Kiene, R. P., & Huntsman, S. (2002). An antioxidant function for DMSP and DMS in marine algae. Nature, 418, 317-320.


  1. Hi Tom! Could you please give me the explanations for all the abbreviations you have used here?

    1. Hi Tabea, yea I probably should have defined those. DMSO is dimethly sulphoxide, MSNA is methane sulphinic acid and MSA methane sulphonate.

  2. Hi Tom, Thanks for the post - its really interesting.

    I was wondering if the authors undertook any assays to measure oxidative damage such as TBARS assay for lipid peroxidation, or comet assay for DNA damage, to name a few? Linking this with DMSP production would be quite informative.

    Also, did the authors made a measure of total antioxidant capacity, such as FRAP assay along with glutathione (as FRAP doesnt account for glutathione production)? I wonder if there are any links between these and DMSP production, and whether there is a favoured defense mechanism?



    1. Hi Jack, to my knowledge no they did not. They used APX activities for T. pseudonana and growth and chlorophyll a concentration levels generally as rough proxys of oxidative stress but thats it. I think this is because they were using well known oxidative stressors.

      With regards to total antioxidant capacity, again no. But I am sure previous work has been done looking at antioxidants in these species. It would be interesting to see if DMSP is an additional defense or allows the algae to get away with lower production of glutathione etc.

  3. Hey Tom, interesting post, thanks! Take a look at my recent post ' Corals and DMS: implications for the future'- it links in nicely to your idea on how corals may deal with bleaching in the future and how different clades of Symbiodinium have different antioxidant (by the use of DMS and DMSP) abilities.


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